

Friday, May 17, 2013


I'm sorry.

you might be reading this, you might reach the end of this and brush it off as one of my usual bipolar insecure moments, you'll forget about this, like how you'll forget about me. or it might just click.

that I'm apologizing to you.

it doesn't matter really because it's in the past but it's niggling at the back of my mind and i just had to, but i'm bad at confrontations and i don't want your questions because they're bound to throw me off guard like they so often do.

I'm sorry

sorry for pushing you away sorry for being confusing sorry for losing whatever ounce of trust you once had in me.

it's a cycle, you grab all these feelings of yours, bundle them up, grab a shovel, bury them as close to the core of the earth as you can get, mother nature shifts, thunderstorms, earthquakes, floods, all these feelings you find disdainful and discarded without a second thought, today you find them spewed out, washed up, all laid out in the open

and the irony when you discover them at your doorstep, right where they once belong.
