

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The truth is, when you start complaining about your life to me,I find it impossible to sympathize with you cause while you're going,
"why he don't like me la why he likes her more la"
I'm thinking "I have bigger problems than that fml"

Don't bother asking me what my problems are
I can't even see beyond the mountains of problems I have and no it's not because of my height wtf
Problematic kid lah wtf T____________________T

I wish I could die.
(Just saying it 'cause you know la I damn dramatic one)
okay I should shut up. Bye.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

House Rules ;)

5 sips of a caffeinated drink is all it takes and I can kiss sleep goodbye
BUT. I finished House Rules by Jodi Picoult while all you lazypigs were snoring away

*smug look*

one of theBEST books I have ever read.
 it reminds me of the movie I Am Sam. omg so sadzzz T_____T

Go read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I practically beg people to read good books wtf freak lor)
and I don't mind lending books :P

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ivon & Kenvyn's Birthdays

I shall loyally upload all the pictures here even though
you can view them on Wendy's Facebook
this is why promises should not be made

 and the award for Lala Of The Year goes to . . . :D

 Seriously, anyone? 

 We had lunch. HERE! :D

 Birthday boy!

 Birthday girl!

 (this is supposed to be our sesat look but we failed in many ways XD)

 Julia's and mine ;)

 Ivon and Wendy dumped everything they didn't want on Pang's plate lol!

 Shoo shweeet.

 Ivon screaming, 'SO PAISEH I DON'T WANT' :P

Everyone was fed :D

 Vacuum cleaner!! HAHA.

 My last attempt to take a picture with Ferris before he went home T____T

We watched MEGAMIND :D

 Baskin Robbins!

Okay done blogging!
(i know this post is so lame 'cause i didn't even bother making up captions hahaha)