

Friday, November 5, 2010

sell it all and watch it burn

I admit that I'm really judgmental :P
when I read someone else's blog I probably come close to tearing them apart, shoving them under a microscope and dissecting every word written

(Okay only certain blogs, I'm not that mean)

(OMG. I hope no one does that to me.)

and when you start blogging, it's easy to be labeled as a hypocrite 
Like today I could blog : I HATE MARZIPAN. 
and the next day I could change my mind and fall in love with it and start munching on a bar of marzipan chocolate in the canteen

I'm not sure if that entitles someone to be a hypocrite, but I'm just saying people might see it that way

and btw. I really do hate marzipan :P


Would you believe me if I told you Julia and I woke up at 6 this morning to go jogging?
and I think we covered at least 4 km which okay isn't a whole lot
but give us some credit okay we're just starting out .
By the end of this month we'll amaze y'all by finishing 10 km. :P don't hope

Having coffee and tea for breakfast screws up my biological clock.

I helped to packed gifts for Children Day this Sunday!

Looooook. French bulldog! 
I ran away at first because he made these grunting sounds that is very similar to the sounds a bull makes before charging -.-
apparently he doesn't bark or even growl,
Grunting, begging for food and rubbing his back against the rug is all he does

eyebags T_____________T

 Dropped Justin off at some Youth church camp in Penang
(I'm not gonna embarrass myself my putting down the name of the place in case I get it wrong :P)
Dinner at Chili's in Gurney :D

I finished off 2 plates of tortilla chips T__________T


So much for losing weight.