

Monday, November 1, 2010

and I try, sit alone, and I cry


 I like this top :( but my mum told me I look fat in it

I shall start dieting.
*munches on chocolate bar*
Hey I didn't say I would start today :P


Going to Jusco in your baju kurung uniform after school is a very bad idea.
I loitered outside McDs for so long and I was squinting because my eyes were itching like mad from my contacts that the elderly couple seated in front probably thought I was marking them and planning to rob them.
Marking their french fries was more like it.

and people kept glancing at me in a weird way.

Oooh . Malay girl tak pakai tudung pi dating tskkk


 Whee. Pwetty papers make me shooo happy!
This year I decided not to give presents but to make cards instead
Christmas spirit! HOHOHO!

4th one already!
I got so used to my braces I don't think twice before biting into an apple or a bar of chocolate :S