

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I don't usually blog about a school day, like,
" I woke up at 6.30am, I went to school, I died of boredom, I was revived, I'm here blogging" ?
Very interesting huh.

Wtf. Don't care la. I'm gonna blog about the sucky day I had
and you can either read it. Or not read it
READ IT and sympathize with me :D

1. I had a total of 3 hours of sleep (no surprise there)

2. I stepped onto the very expensive paper I bought to make Christmas cards and I tore one of them wtf T__________________T FML FML FML

3. my mum was still cooking my breakfast when I went downstairs and it was already LATE so all I had to eat was 2 potato curry buns and half a bar of Snickers
(I eat damn a lot for breakfast okay, one McValue meal also not enough wtf)

4. Hunger isn't the best way to start my day. when I'm hungry I get cranky and I feel like
banging my head against the table

5. OMG. so unlucky. I didn't tie my hair today and there was assembly zz wtf
and my fingernails were super long 'cause I was learning to play the guitar (and okayla I kept my nails cause I'm obsessed with giving myself manicures -.- )

6. We lined up according to classes and the monitors had to stand right in front grr.
I couldn't squat, talk, show my beh syok face. and I had to SING the Penang and school anthem which I know approximately about 5 lyrics to -.-

7. IDK who damn retarded kept singing almost two lines faster that we had to repeat Negaraku thrice zz

8. The SUN reflected against the watches of the teachers sitting above me right into my eyes :@

8. The assembly went on. and on. and on. 
OH . AND. apparently there's gonna be assembly EVERYDAY till the holidays WTF

9. I slept in class and when I woke up, the sticky tape used to keep the wrapper on the table in place got stuck all over my baju kurung. Looks like some fungus started sprouting all over my baju kurung T______________________________T

10. I called up to cancel my braces appointment 'cause I was too sleepy and I was desperately trying to stay awake to make that crappy phone call until I realize it was lunch break which was why no one picked up wtf

Highlight and best part of the day :

I had roasted turkey for dinner! :D
okay. that's not it. 
So I asked my mum why wasn't it kept for Christmas and she said 'cause we'd be going back to Malacca on Christmas Day ! 
