

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Ask me ANY questions here

and the best part is you'll remain anonymous 'cause I'll have no way of finding out who asked what lol wtf 


Old song =)

you know how you get into a state
of being a bit tired, a bit sad, a bit hopeless, 
and you get so used to being like that that you begin to think that that's normal,
that that's just how you are, how life is?
and when you finally feel happy
you start wondering how long the happiness will last 
because it's something you haven't felt in such a long time 
and you feel like it's something you don't deserve.
I'm happyyyyyyyyyyy :D I'm just waiting for it to be snatched away
(sorry for being such a pessimist pfft.)

Happy despite that the last day of school turned out to be traumatizing
the next time I cry over demerits, do me a favor by slapping me and tell me to stop embarrassing myself
grr, I can't believe I got 12 demerits! -.-
and I freaked out 'cause those with more than 10 were supposed to go out during assembly but I didn't 'cause I wasn't sure of my marks and I was wearing short socks that were blue, oh and nails were blue too. FML.

I SO SAD AFTER CHOPPING OFF MY NAILS NOW CAN'T EVEN TEXT PROPERLY T____________________________________________T

anyway. we spent the rest of the day in the canteen
wtf which reminds me that I left my file and papers under my desk lol!

 Candy :D

 Alson bashing the candy with Julia's bottle XD

Our class party .
equals to me and Julia loading paper plates with 2 pieces of KFC and crisps and eating them without our class hahahaha

Ohh and I shall blog about the jellybeans another time :D