

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I know, such a sad song to play on your 20th Birthday.

oh hey I'm 20.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

what if trust

what if trust were a game of Jenga between 2 players

54 blocks, stacked to form a solid tower,

comprised of do(s) and don't(s) in a relationship,

3 blocks laid flat in one direction made up of promises,

first block labelled with words casually doled out over dinner

second block imprinted with tears and vows to never again

third with hints to commit, to change, to be better

3 blocks make up the base

every fresh placement of 3 blocks imposes pressure on the existing ones

you go on till you hit 18 levels

then you take turns, both of you

it's unfortunate and slightly twisted

but you still do it, making it almost inevitable

you scrutinize this tower, you lean over and gingerly slide out a single block

you pick it and discard it, this first block done without much thought

because even without it, you're assured that the tower still stands

first block removed, first promise broken

next person shadows your actions


until the tower teeters, threatens to tip over

a relationship at it's breaking point

both of you hesitate, every move is calculated,

but beneath the measures taken to keep the tower from collapsing,

to grasp onto the frayed ends of a relationship and anchor them onto the ground

you both know how this will end

either of you are bound to discard of that one block that leads to the crash

it only matters on whose part


But it's fine because trust isn't a game.

*drafted this 2 months ago
*emphasize is on the words in red/bold/underlined thank you
*I'd only played Jenga once

Monday, July 14, 2014

blogging is a less liberal, more refined version of Twitter, sans the 140 characters limit, there's the demand to take heed that every sentence strung along is grammatically precise, pictures that do more than justify captions, it's more than a dump site of impulsive words and uncalculated thoughts.

it's 14 days into the second half of the year, I'm done with First Year of Law School,  a week into my semester break and the paragraph above is to make up for the lack of substantial blogging material 

and then this is an excuse I fabricated because there are things I would rather do besides blogging

like have ice-cream and cake for breakfast

stay in bed to read

 color coordinating my clothes

going out

maybe I shouldn't blog when it's coerced out of boredom 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

hi. my finals ended today.


and I'm going home on Monday!

oh and prom tomorrow.


^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ happy