I could be that girl, leaning eagerly over the dinner table at some fancy place, leaving my bite-sized appetisers untouched, and dainty silverware untainted for a recollection of your day, injected with puns and one-liner jokes
I could also be that girl, thankful for the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows over both our faces, to conceal the slightest discomfort on mine, the itch to bring up an argument, so that if I time it just right, it all goes undetected.
I could be that girl, nodding to your enthusiasm after a midnight movie, beaming at you from my cup of hot chocolate before bedtime, sending you goodnight kisses from the front gate
I could also be that girl, at every other 2am and the hours after, telling myself that if sleep doesn't arrive, there's always daylight I can rely on.
I also could have saved on 17 ringgit, 500 calories and be asleep but they clearly missed out on my demand for a decaf (likewise my mind on self-control)