

Friday, December 9, 2011

Foursquare National Youth Camp

first one ever held in M'sia :)

 i feel so cheated , we were told 'it's a mere 300 meters walk'
no mention about the steep slope and the drain we had to cross . T___________T
(the times when i really really am thankful for a brother) (yes he's carrying my luggage 'cause i wanted to take picts wtf)

junk food. :3

 and the meals were pretty awesome (for a camp)
buffets ._____________________.

 p/s: my mortal's a pastor . LOL

 drove out for more junk food.

 i jumped into the pool . fully clothed haha no won't be doing that again anytime soon


 we spent most of the time hanging out together instead of socializing  #awkwardawkwardmoments
anyway. i really <3 these people :D

my group (Awesomely Holy) came in second :O :O

different from prev camps , in a good way :)