

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

SPM results

remember a while ago, when i was freaking out over BM the day before SPM.


and why the heck did i have to burst into tears and sob like mad in front of all my juniors and ex-schoolmates . everyone probably thought i failed every subject, and so annoying , i wish people would have the courtesy to turn away instead of staring openly like i'm live entertainment .________________. not that i actually blame anyone. i'd probably stare too if some idiot started wailing on her mum's shoulder while blubbering on about a stupid B+ . in fact i'd slap her to save her the embarrassment hahaha wth.

and i didn't actually check my results before i started crying lol lol. 
oh God, why. 

if you want to know it's because our school has this uhm, delightful way of giving us back our results, they get every student with straight As to line up in front and get their certs on stage. and i actually had hope at first okay, until i went and confirmed that i got smthg less than an A- 


yes. i cried . like mad. 
and even after checking my results i still did.


my Mum was so freaked out lol lol lol lol lol

P/s: honestly i'm more freaked out that i actually got an A+ for Physics . HAHA. 


damnit i didn't get straight As wish i could trade in A+ for A-

(webcam) bleh :P