

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Well lately when I look into your eyes I'm going down, down, down, down

the comforts of home - Astro, mum's cooking, laundry basket (yes really) , the ease of falling asleep, stacks of Time magazines and Reader's Digest, clean sheets, not having to eat cereal as a substitute for a meal, the absence of dust bunnies and fat cockroaches ,

I could go on forever.

really. I have an entire stack to finish.

i don't have the time or patience to blog regularly anymore, i'm pretty amazed by my ability to have done so when i was in F3, i must have spent 90% of my time blogging then , oh God, no wonder i grew up to be the lifeless person i am now. and no wonder i failed KH in every monthly test.

  p/s: actually browsing through my phone's gallery to get inspiration wth lamest blogger ever

what is amazing? (don't cringe at the lamness it's past midnight and it's the best i can do)

1.sleeping over at Dharsh's place w/ Ellisya

we one malaysia gang .

2 .her house. TV room w/ projectors, dance studio and a mini bar , heh.

2. I Love Moo Cow's yogurt, enough said.

yup cause we're ghey like that

4. a few other people

i was on a rant the other day, telling someone how i have this tendency to make others feel that i under appreciate them. truth is, I find it hard to get emotionally attached to someone, so if i started listing out the people i truly care for, the exact number would be 8 , i mean, honestly, if i tripped and rolled down an entire flight of stairs tonight (typing this out actually amused me, to be exact the word 'rolled' did) no one out there would care, probably go 'OUCH SHIT THAT SUCKS' and get on with their lives 5 seconds later, and i wouldn't mind because i would do the same to them. it's all a tad confusing but i'd rather say it then tell a benign lie, people who whine about how no one cares if they die should be stuck into blender and made into puree take a step back and ask themselves if they care about the other party as much as they want to be cared for. okay end of rant, i'm not in the slightest pissed and no nothing happened to have triggered this, I feel like ranting again that's all.

P/s: New Girl or Business Studies ?

*gives in to sleep