

Friday, March 27, 2015

i had one chipped nail

A week ago, I chipped a thumbnail when I was tearing at a clove of garlic. (Peeling would appear to be the more appropriate word but it was a battle between my fingernails clawing away at these seemingly thin layers of garlic skin, next time I'll consider googling tips on chopping up garlic)

It was a white jagged line, running dangerously close to the part where your thumb ends, and where your skin is most delicate and tender to touch.

I left it (to fate)(like how I do to too many things)

3 days later, I caught it on a loose thread from a top I was wearing. Then it was a folded edge from a a piece of paper. Then it got snared in the mess my bag contains when I was rummaging for my keys.

It split, halfway across my thumbnail. Still intact, but enough to make me wince and reach for a pair of nail clippers and snip at tiny bits of it half-heartedly.

I even have a grainy, badly taken picture for your viewing pleasure.

Earlier tonight, I was jabbing at a roll of toilet tissue and the remains of the jutted bit snapped and I had a bloodied thumb for the rest of the night.

So relieved now that it's (almost) all gone.

This is the story of the chipped nail I got rid of.