

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I really need to STUDEEEEEEEEE. Semester exam in a month boo-hooooooooo. and I am annoyed to admit that Biology is getting on my nerves , I used to be rather fond of it .___________. oh God one page on replication of DNA alone took me a dozen cookies and an entire night. also need to download ALLLLL of Noah And The Whale's songsssssss. and get enough sleep 'cause my biological clock is pretty screwed and my period's all messed up (like who the heck has it 3 times in a month? oh me) Yup. Definitely need to see a gynecologist. hmmmmm. Parents leaving for KL so I'll be home with the grandparents for the weekend, heeeeh pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, lots of it. now if only i'd bothered to finish my driving lessons. but pizza sounds fine to me especially when it's delivered to my house. oh oh reading John Grisham's The Client now (yup his books were the reason why i initially wanted to do law hohoho) (don't ask why i changed my mind)

if you want to know why i sound drunk it's because i am i'm hungry