

Monday, September 13, 2010

Have you ever.

Have you ever gone through the suckiest moments in life without shedding a tear but bawled your eyes out over some stupid shit like low grades and demerits?
Have you ever wished so hard that just for one minute, you could be someone else?
Have you ever woke up in the morning and instantly want to crawl back under the covers where you belong?
Have you ever fell into a dark deep hole and after what seems like eternity when you finally find your way out you feel like an idiot because now that you're fine you look back to find that the hole is nothing but a tiny dent in your life?
Have you ever wanted to slam doors and yell that you have had enough of their psychobabble bullshit?
Have you ever looked at the scars and felt out of control?
Have you ever expected time to stop to compensate for your loss?
Have you ever felt guilty for not being able to feel happy or sad when everyone expects you to?
Have you ever wondered if people actually meant anything they said?

Me neither.