

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

and it's my heart that's breaking down this long distance line tonight

 My braces are 6 different colors now wheee :D

Grr, I had to rewrite 2 Moral essays
Apparently I didn't follow the NPCPC format and my handwriting is too messy

Sheesh, it isn't my fault that I can't write without all the curves and slants 
and it takes FOREVER to write each letter individually without connecting them -.-

Oh and I finally sorted out the DVDs!
By sorting out I mean dumping them into 2 piles,
ones that I might want to watch a second time and ones that I don't
I fully intended to arrange them according to their genre but it took forever so I gave up :P

and whee I'm happy that I didn't screw up during the Choral Speaking performance for the Thailand student exchange program today
My voice didn't crack!! :D