

Friday, October 22, 2010

when you cry.

not worth emoing over
(repeats x927124691240 times)
I stopped sleeping. I look like shit. I want to die

when people fight. it isn't really your fault right?
i think when i get home all my happiness got sucked out

I kept dozing off in the middle of exams during the 2nd week
It's so annoying to jolt awake with only 10 minutes left and blanks all over the exam sheet :(

Tiz is called veli the hardworking lor.

(that's capitalized because that's exactly how I feel)
Another 2 days and my blood pressure would have reached eruption level
I guess everyone should be relieved that they don't have to be victims of my tantrums anymore
(when I freak out, I scream,
shove books in people's faces and demand them to teach me Maths)
Very mature.

Seriously la.
I must have been mad to think that I could study the very night before each paper and not fail.
Cramming 6 chapters of Biology into your brain at 11pm? 
Very bad idea.
Paper 3 EXPERIMENTS wtfz.
Screw Modern Math and English too
My mum is right, I do need tuitions for those subjects :S

I guess I should shut up and stop whining since it's entirely my fault for not studying
 Damn my guilty conscience
