

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

this ride home

So, on this particular plane ride home, I decided to start a series of appreciation posts. 

No time constraints, no limitations on the number of posts, no specifically required content because I shrivel at the thought of deadlines (I have enough of them in law school on a regular day I sit in a corner 3 times a day and wilt in a highly unappealing manner) 

Also, I like to stave off work because I indulge in the thrills and adrenaline rushes from scrambling to hand in an assignment due in 5 minutes (truth)

So, appreciation posts they are. 

They'll be 

1. Detailed. Eg : An entire post wouldn't be dedicated to 'food' but 'Raja Uda Tomyam Noodles' / 'ItemC4 from Zhia's Kitchen'

2. Done in no particular order. Eg : #Appreciationpost1 wouldn't necessarily be of more importance than #Appreciationpost58 (assuming I even hit that number)

I ran out of things to add. 

I'd been home the entire day.