

Thursday, January 29, 2015

my personal statement

for the past hour, my fingers have been lingering over the keyboard, occasionally clicking sounds can be heard, they start off hesitantly, pauses between words such as 'ambitious' 'career' and 'thought-provoking'', then forcefully as the delete button is punched at repeatedly

I cannot make myself accommodate such words to so effortlessly frame a lie depicting the person I am not.

I cannot do this personal statement.

If I didn't have an audience to impress, my personal statement would be a compilation of my daily tweets and a couple of my blog posts

- etc :

 1. I just really need a degree. After all I am in my second year and I am paying my fees and a string of Bs is decent right??? You have to take me in! *voice escalates 5 pitches higher
(me arguing on a case)

2. I wanted to write for a living. I suppose it was the peak of my unrealistic phase of attempting to be ambitious before settling for law. Of course I was 10 and into Enid Blyton.
(me on my ambition(s))

3. I wouldn't claim to be highly interested in politics but I would say a good 50% of my Facebook/Twitter friends are judging by the amount of 'Results from Anwar's case' and Sedition charges' posts I have to wade through on my newsfeed. Occasionally I click on them and skim through the contents. Admittedly only if more than 50 people share the same post and I resort to doing it out of curiosity.
(me if they insist on inquiring into my involvement in politics)

4. I do sympathise with the oppressed and victims of injustice. But really, last semester I had to draft an employment contract and brief a case on behalf of a disgruntled ex-employee and still, I stay silent when I don't get paid months after a job.
(me if they question me on my stand in fighting for women/children rights)

This personal statement will get me places.

I get so frustrated nowadays. Sometimes it happens between a 'Hi' and 'How are you'.

Maybe I'm just really bored with everything around me.

I'm only at page109/1318 of Murakami's 1Q84.

I should start writing better pieces instead of updating this whiny 12 year old's diary of a blog.