

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

All I ever wanted, all I ever needed was time

I went back Malacca....

....And watched World Cup everyday.

(Even the 2AM ones )

I could probably tell you the scores without hestitating -.-

Things to do in the car during a 7 hours drive

Number ONE.

Bring along your BRIGHTEST nail polish.....


And give your brother a terrible manicure out of spite because his nails are nicer

Number TWO.

Take approximately 98324914 pictures of yourself, your dog, yourself, your dog, yourself, your dog

You get the idea.

His tail resembles a toilet brush

Number THREE.
Torture your dog...

By forcing him into a shirt

 And making him BEG (and beg and beg) for food

Don't kanasai me.
I get very lame when I'm awake bored :S

 Stalking FAIL.

I cut my hair in Malacca. I made a huge fuss at first because I thought it was really short 
Phobia kay! Bad haircut experiences -.-

 It's the same. 'Cept that I have this puffy fringe that keeps getting into my eyezzzz

Went shopping with my aunt :D


Note the eyebags. Blame the World Cup fever.
P/s: Weird because I don't even like football

Oh and I saw ChaoWee for like 2 seconds in Starbucks
She arrived just when I was leaving :S

 Went to the gym in EQ hotel after that 

Sakais use garbage bags -.-

The beeee-youuu-ti-ful showers

I almost fell off the treadmill while taking this picture -.-


I don't see the point in exercising.
After that "GRUESOME workout",
I went for dinner in Renaissance with my family
Exercising = Hunger = Eat more

I think this is the first picture I have of my dad! 

Satay Celup for supper!

 Like I said, I ate a lot :/

I don't need a DSLR. I only need to edit every picture like gila.

We have homework? Since when?