

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I am officially 16.

Thank you everyone, for the presents, cake, calls, text messages and wishes <3!
Sorry for being such an emo freak today
And I'm even more sorry if you watched me burst into tears again and again

(I hate it when people do that because I suck at consoling. oh well)

I don't like my own birthday.
And no, it's not because my vampire boyfriend whose name happens to be Edward Cullen never ages while I go on to get wrinkles and cellulite.
Oooh Bellaaaaa?

 I can't believe I thought 16 year olds were invincible when I was 8,
Pfft, more like invisible
I was so eager to 'grow up' -.-
Hmm. Wonder why.
& now that I am finally 16 I wish I were 8 again.
(Joke lah. Hello, freaking out over UPSR and PMR again? I'll pass)

I feel so OLD for saying this but 
I wish I tried to be happier, complained less, and gave more than I took.
All those time wasted, all those tears shed over matters that seem so petty and  frivolous right now, 
For what in the end?
So that I can re-read my year 2008 posts and start cringing like mad and swearing at myself for being such a drama queen

I shalll start posting pictures because everyone's probably sick with my ramblings
Sorry lor if I sound so ah mah today


This is proof I was born a sakai and chocoholic.




Oh well. I shall beh paiseh-ly wish myself a happy birthday :P
Hey after all you only get to be 16 ONCE :)

Baru bangun mia muka & rambut.


Thanks again! ;)