

Monday, February 7, 2011

haha. i know u had(have?) the biggest crush on ferris. and u went all emo when he coupled up with txs. no hard feelings. and for sure u will nt put this on ur blog. i understand =). i noe im very evil here. but. paying the price, u know?

Haha I don't actually have to answer every question but you know lah I damn immature one of course I can't resist this, and it's amusing that you think I'd get pissed and probably reply smthg like, *stomps around kang kang style screaming 'you don't mess w/ me bitch or imma shove you into a blender and serve bitch puree to my dog' -___________- 'cause contrary to what you think I'm not as insecure as you, and Ferris said , quote, 'Don't be jealous 'cause I have Melisa, we're celebrating our 3rd anniversary soon and I'm getting her a hundred boxes of chocolayes 'cause I love her SOOOO MUCHHH :D (fine I added the part about the chocolate -.-) and it can't be a crush right when we're officially together? ;)

P/s: plus my dog doesn't eat other dogs :)

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