

Monday, January 18, 2010

Wake up and smell the break up;

Went back Malacca.

I stole these pictures from different places X)

Left for DP around 5.

Stalking that chef ;D

Karaoke at Dreambox
We were screaming the entire time and the employees were laughing at us

Oh and I broke a glass after getting too high on JUICE -.-"

We were not allowed to take pictures of the food
I had no idea and was going around snapping happily until someone came and asked me to stop.

Oh yay. Managed to embarrass myself twice in one night.

Went back to Selena's house around midnight
Bought McD's for supper :D

They were doing HOMEWORK, lol

Her pajamas damn cute :P

It's January and her Christmas tree is still up X)

I was very sleepy

Playing Murderer :D


Original post

I get it. Nothing ever goes the way you want it to
Even if you wish so bloody hard everyday,
or pretend to yourself it's not gonna happen

I still can't believe it
It seems only months ago when we were in primary

8 hours flight. Australia is so so far away.
Can I still say don't leave even if you already did?

Bye Selena, I love you babe