

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I can't ever run and hide I won't compromise cause I'll never know

Hello. I'm going off to camp tomorrow and I will get sunburn and die

so much homeworkkkkkkkkkkkk T___________T

anyway. watched Mars Need Mum today. so touching T______T you no cry means you no feeling
it reminds me of Star Wars and The Sims.

Grocery shopping is fun :D

 Don't kill me T__T I won't upload this on Facebook T__T

 my right eye is sore and red. don't care I'm still sticking to contacts 

 Vinson buy one :D

Oh wanna hear story ar? :D

_____ and ____ and ______ were rushing to go pee (sorry if the word pee offends you) (I was told it sounds vulgar) and _____ stepped on my slipper and it snapped. 
Yes it snapped. outside Jusco's toilet how convenient.

(okay it was really funny especially when someone took up my slipper and showed it around)
(wah my slipper got so much publicity)

End of story :D I wanna go pack. BYE :D

OMG I'm having a sorethroat I feel so sick!

P/s: my tumblr page is filled with pictures of rings and food LOL