

Friday, March 4, 2011

X's and O's in a letter from home

now that I have a DSLR , I don't even get excited over using it anymore.
anyone wanna accompany me to take pictures? :D

Reminders :
1. A lil' kiasu-ness goes a long way
2. Chocolate provides short term happiness. buy in bulk.
3. Studying is useless when you start the morning of that very test
4. Don't let your orthodontist match the colors of your braces


Babysat Vinson's lil's sister just now.
Usually I hate being saddled with kids, but she's really really cute so I made an exception HAHA

 Isn't she just adorable?

 Bad photographer -__________- 


Off to watch Black Swan and 500 Days Of Summer now byeee ;)