

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Last Christmas I gave you my heart

the weather's so awesome I went back to sleep after brunch
and I wasn't in the mood to blog but since I have nothing better to do I decided to annoy everyone here

you know how I whine about 98123 times a day about wanting to die ?
I'm not serious :( I don't want to die. Dying equals gone forever and no second chances :(
just saying lurh if I was held at gunpoint for your secrets,
I'd spew them out in 2 seconds flat
 Okay now no one's gonna tell me their secrets anymore.
Be considerate ok I can hear the trigger clicking now wtf it feels so real!!

wtf I need to lay off movies with shooting and hostages .
oh and more sleep. definitely need more sleep.

I wish I could sleep at night.
not when everyone else is jumping out of bed all fresh and oh so happy to start off another day screw everyone while I'm sitting on the bathroom floor throwing up

(please don't ask why I was throwing up it has a lot to do with no sleep and.)

Thank God for books. 
I'm saving so much money by borrowing books from the SJ library! :D


Freaked out when my mum called to say she would be back to send me to the Children Party in church in half an hour zz
and I was supposed to prepare 5 games for them fml procrastinator!

Sarah was awesome :D she helped me w/ all the games
but in the end we ran out of time and only played one lol!

my Mum dressed up as a clown HAHA
oh and that's my Dad playing the guitar and singing some Christmas song in the background X)

err the clown they hired. his jokes are hilarious in a sarcastic way -.-

rushed home to pick up my brother and went to Gurney
for dinner w/ my parents' friends from Kuching
well technically they are my friends too but I couldn't remember their names HAHA

oh and it was super jam because of some Food Festival -.-

so paiseh to camwhore T____T they have a DSLR T________T

walked them over to G hotel and err took pictures there.
I'll go steal the pictures from Andres if he uploads them on Facebook :D

I heart pwetty toilets :D

Did Christmas shopping in Sunway Carnival Mall

this is the tree without ornaments. HAHA. too lazy

I'll be going back on the 25th so I won't even be celebrating Christmas here :D

omg my mum's baking cookies bye!